Mexican Cemetery 

El panteón Dolores cobra “vida” (por medio de proyecciones muy coloridas) y forma parte de un increíble proyecto artístico, creado por el colectivo mexicano “Ciudad intervenida”, y que tiene como objetivo re-significar espacios públicos de la ciudad mediante la creación de intervenciones animadas in situ…

Using projectors to beam specially designed animations onto the headstones, the result of Llama Rada’s project is like what would happen if Oingo Boingo visited a Toontown graveyard on the Day of the Dead. When the witching hour comes to Panteón Dolores, the tombstones of the cemetery come to life as an array of colorful goblins come out to party the night away.

Directed by Alejandro Garcia Cabbalero and sponsored by Ciudad Intervenida, the Panteón de Dolores project was one of six commissioned pieces that brought the work of animators into various public spaces throughout the city. Llama Rada certainly succeeds at that, reimagining what is usually seen as a landscape of death as a bright and colorful celebration of contemporary Mexican life.

[h/t Laughing Squid]