Feast of friends

La muerte hace ángeles de todos nosotros
y nos da alas donde teníamos hombros
suaves, como garras de cuervo.

No más dinero, no más vestidos lujosos
este otro reino es por mucho, el mejor
hasta que su otra mandíbula revela el incesto.
y obediencia perdida a una ley vegetal.

No iré ahí,
prefiero un banquete de amigos
a una familia grande…


Feast of friends

A. Paul Estrabook

El koreano Argus Paul Estabrook hace estos curiosos poemas a partir de páginas quemadas de libros viejos. Literatura nueva a partir de literatura vieja. Arte en papel, sutil y cuasi-efímero. Una chulada… 

My altered book art explores the malleability of text in the form of erasure and found poetry.  Pre-existing texts from discarded library books are burned away with a soldering iron to create and reveal new poetic narratives. 



She was even more naked
between her legs,
because after all,
it was dubious times;
it was war,
each one biting wide.

Open love- such a lie!
Oh, engulf me here
asleep in the wrecked
phosphorescent bones of logic.
Old he was in trusting anguish.
He was in legs and arms a mile long.

She passes away.
He never went off.
Go in the void of her.
That I did.
There was first of all the puzzles.

Died somehow I had…
always with breath.
I found that obsession
is a machine on long
after the drive in me.
I would rot out with it of course.
We, the last of the line,
never once mated.
So am I nothing?
To Death:
Shape a man on stilts,
age 29.

-More of my work @ www.arguspaul.com

Code {Poems}

¿Si les dijera que lo que voy a escribir a continuación es un poema, me creerían?

“Say 23” / Leslie Wu

#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require ‘rubygems’ # gratitude
require ‘nokogiri’ # arigato
(`curl http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm+23&version=KJV&interface=print`)
%w(Zarvox Princess Cellos).each{|v|`say -v #{v}
.map {|i|h[i]}.join(’ ’)}`}

Resulta que desde hace ya algunos años la Universidad de Stanford hace estos encuentros entre artistas, literatos y científicos (programadores e ingenieros en sistemas computacionales, la mayoría), donde se exploran las propiedades expresivas del código computacional como medio de comunicación, en lo que se llamado el Code Poetry Slam. Algunos de estos poemas son mas visuales, otros mas sonoros, otros juegan mas con las sintáxis.

Si les gusta la tecnología y la experimentación con el lenguaje les recomiendo echarse un clavado en algunos de los poemas que se producen aquí. Les va a volar la cabeza…

Poetry is considered a form of literary art in which language is used for its aesthetic and evocative qualities. It contains multiple interpretations and therefore resonates differently in each reader.

Code is the language used to communicate with computers. It has its own rules (syntax) and meaning (semantics). Like literature writers or poets, coders also have their own style that include – strategies for optimizing the code being read by a computer, and facilitating its understanding through visual organization and comments for other coders.

Code can speak literature, logic, maths. It contains different layers of abstraction and it links them to the physical world of processors and memory chips. All these resources can contribute in expanding the boundaries of contemporary poetry by using code as a new language. Code to speak about life or death, love or hate. Code meant to be read, not run.

Code poetry is literature that intermixes notions of classical poetry and computer code. Unlike digital poetry, which prominently uses physical computers, code poems may or may not run through executable binaries. A code poem may be interactive or static, digital or analog. Code poems can be performed by computers or humans through spoken word and written text.

Examples of code poetry include: poems written in a programming language, but human readable as poetry; computer code expressed poetically, that is, playful with sound, terseness, or beauty…


Code {Poems}


Este es un proyecto del artista Holandés Gijs Van Bon, creado para la Bienal de Arte Contemporáneo de Cartagena. Un robot que escribe poemas en la calle. Poemas de arena, que solo viven unos segundos. Es una máquina inútil, pero me parece una chulada.

Skryf the sand writer moves forward,
Leaving a stream of letters behind him.
Skryf refers to the fact that everything is transitory.
An almost irrelevant pile of sand creates the magic of the word.
Human beings, nature and the passage of time are responsible for the disintegration of the word again. Sometimes very quickly, sometimes very slow. Like sand through your fingers…

