The Book That Can’t Wait

La editorial publicó un título llamado “El libro que no puede esperar”, que es el únic libro que tienes 2 meses para terminar de leerlo… o desaparece (su texto usa una tinta especial que con el tiempo se hace invisible).

Aunque la idea me parece genial (ganó un Cannes), no se me ocurre un mejor comentario que el pueso alguien en la misma liga donde encontré la noticia. Los comparto aquí (la liga y el comentario)

Paso 1- roba el libro
Paso 2 – escanéalo
Paso 3 – súbleo a BitTorrent
Paso 4 – el libro jamás desaparece


To encourage people to read books from new authors, Argentinean independent publishers Eterna Cadencia has published a book using a special ink that slowly disappears within two months, after coming into contact with the environment.

Called ‘The Book That Can’t Wait’, the concept behind it is to encourage people to read books by more quickly—giving new authors the attention and chance to publish a second book. 

According to Eterna Cadencia, they said that unlike people, books are very patient and they wait for us to read them—which is ok for books, but not for new authors. 

They also added that by publishing a book with a ‘lifespan’, it strengthens the bond between new authors and their readers—ensuring that books are read quickly. 

Eterna Cadencia is planning to use this as a platform to promote other titles that ‘don’t deserve to wait on a shelf’.