Puedes planear tu vida todo lo que quieras. No va a suceder así…

Aquí hay buena reflexión. la saqué de una película llamada “Love”, una historia de sci-fi (William Eubank, 2011) que cuenta las aventuras de un astronauta que en una misión solitaria a la ISS (Internationa Space Station) pierde contacto por la tierra debido a un cataclismo nuclear.

El ver toda la civilización desaparecer desde su pequeño aislamiento, lo lleva a tener increíbles reflexiones sobre la condición humana. Esto ha hecho que este filme independiente, de bajo presupuesto y filmado en el jardin de un casa (casi en sus totalidad) haya sido comparado con grandes obras maestras del género, como Moon, 2001: Odisea del espacio o Solaris.

Por si no saben que ver en Netflix, esta es buena opción…

After losing contact with Earth, Astronaut Lee Miller becomes stranded in orbit alone aboard the International Space Station. As time passes and life support systems dwindle, Lee battles to maintain his sanity – and simply stay alive. His world is a claustrophobic and lonely existence, until he makes a strange discovery aboard the ship…

– William Eubank


Happy Birthday #Burroughs… Ayer se celebraron 100 años del nacimiento de William S. Burroughs. Parece en México no se esta haciendo ninguna celebración importante -lo que es triste-, de cualquier manera aprovecho para poner aquí uno de mis quotes favoritos de este gran escritor estadounidense (principal exponente de la generación beat), así como la liga al sitio conmemorativo de este día…

“Language is a virus from outer space…”

William S. Burroughs

Burroughs 100 is the official website for announcement of all projects, publications, conferences, art exhibitions, films, events and happenings being held in celebration of 100 years of William S. Burroughs, who was born 5 February 1914. He is recognised as one of the most influential writers and visionaries of the 20th century and his legacy continues to foresee what now fills the headlines of the world today.  Burroughs’ writing and ideas changed the course of literature and his multi-media collaborations spawned new directions in film and music.  In his later years he worked extensively as a visual artist.  The Burroughs legacy is still evolving; a prophet for the 21st Century with literary and artistic work still to be unravelled. The time is now…


Fear is the thing that gets in the way of everything…

Being a writer is extremely hard. This has always been true. It was true for Chaucer. It was true for Shakespeare, who wrote plays to please the queen. No one cares if you write. It has to matter to you so enormously much that you visit your ego upon the world and give it no choice except to care. I agree that this is harder now, not just because there are all these outlets that don’t pay, but also because there are ALL THESE OUTLETS. Because of the Internet, there is too much content and not enough audience. It is so hard to distinguish oneself. Here is the trick, I think: You have to be brave as a writer. You have to write in a pure voice that is distinct and rare. It really is not hard. That does not require facility with words so much as it requires lack of fear. Of course, that is hard. Fear is the thing that gets in the way of everything: love, happiness, success.

Wisdom from Prozac Nation author Elizabeth Wurtzel from her Reddit AMA – a fine addition to our ongoing archive of advice on writing.

Pair with Debbie Millman on courage and the creative process

(via explore-blog)