Big Bang on TV 

Me encantó este posteo de spaceplasma, donde se explica que el ruido estático que vemos en una televisión cuando no hay señal (análoga), no es otra cosa mas que el resplandor radioactivo de la explosión por la que se creó el universo.

Es como ver el Big- Bang en vivo por tele, el inicio de la creación (o al creador, podrían decir algunos). Así que Marilyn Manson tenía razón cuando dijo “God is on the T.V.

Que chulada ¿no?…

Noise, in analog video and television, is a random dot pattern of static displayed when no transmission signal is obtained by the antenna receiver of television set and other display devices. The random pattern superimposed on the picture, visible as a random flicker of “dots” or “snow”, is the result of electronic noise and radiated electromagnetic noise accidentally picked up by the antenna. This effect is most commonly seen with analog TV sets or blank VHS tapes.

There are many sources of electromagnetic noise which cause the characteristic display patterns of static. Atmospheric sources of noise are the most ubiquitous, and include electromagnetic signals prompted by cosmic microwave background radiation, or more localized radio wave noise from nearby electronic devices.

Microwaves are a low-energy form of radiation but higher in energy than radio waves. The cosmic microwave background blankets the universe and is responsible for a sizeable amount of static on your television set–well, before the days of cable. Turn your television to an “in between” channel, and part of the static you’ll see is the afterglow of the big bang.

Canned Radiation

Este y otros “souvenirs” forman parte de una curiosa colección del centro de investigaciones de energía Oranau, en Tennesse, E.U.

“Canned Radiation” from Three Mile Island produced  by Brenster Enterprises of Etters Pennsylvania.
This was probably the most popular souvenir associated with the accident at Three Mile Island. 

The six suggested uses indicated on the label were:

1. Remove label and tell your enemy its laughing gas.
2. Energy free night light (illuminates in darkness).
3. Mix with cold cream for that radiant beauty.
4. Instant male sterilization (sniff twice daily).
5. Use as a room air freshener.
6. Toothpaste recipe: mix 3 to 1 ratio with baking soda, for ever glowing smile.

Size: 4.5" high, 3" diameter.

Fukushima’s real effects

El proyecto independiente de Turner Radio Network acaba de publicar unos datos extra-oficiales donde se dejan ver los efectos, prácticamente en todo el mundo, del desastre nuclear de Fukushima en 2011: niños deformes en California, ballenas suiidándose por todo el pacífico, osos sin pelo y zonas de Alaska completamente inhabitables, y la lista sigue…

Por su supuesto, estos datos nunca van a llegar a los medios masivos, asi que lo correcto es ayudar a difundirlos…

Por cierto, en su sitio web (

) también se ofrece el servicio de alerta directo en tu mail, por si te interesa enterarte cuando la radiación llegue demasiado cerca de tí…

November 25, 2013 – (TRN

 ) – Radiation reaching the United States from the nuclear meltdowns in Fukushima, Japan is causing significant harm; affecting newborn Human babies in California, Pacific Ocean sea life, and even inland wild life.  Radiation is causing massive die-offs of sea life as well as mammals, birds and reptiles inland. High percentages of inland animals that are not already dead are losing their fur, bleeding from lesions all over their bodies and failing to reproduce. Radiation contamination of sea food is already confirmed and contamination of the inland food supply is now taking place as rain carries radiation from the Pacific ocean to inland farms.  U.S. Government propagandists are claiming everything is all right – but they aren’t even monitoring radiation levels – while scientists outside the government are warning the worst is yet to come. Newly released government projections (contained in this article) show parts of Hawaii, Alaska and the entire west coast of North America may become uninhabitable due to radioactive Cesium-137 making its way toward us in the Pacific…

Turner Radio Network – Providing the facts the mass-media won’t…

Fukushima’s real effects