Element No.1

El artista y surfer Ran Otner pinta el mar.
Suena simple, pero ver sus cuadros es algo realmente espectacular. Mas aún en vivo, según este documental en Vimeo, que es por el cual llegue a concer la obra de este artista neoyorquino…

Water is a manifestation of the multitude of wave energies that surround us, a formless, colorless, tasteless, odorless “billowing solid” (Wallace Stevens), visible to our eye only with the addition of light. A single drop potentially mirrors everything that surrounds it. Water embodies the concept of endlessness, of complexities repeated fractally from one drop to the vast sea. I expose the identity of the ancient body of the ocean with integrity by being hyper-observant to its nature, focusing on the structure, synchronicity, and oscillations of the waves…
