The Book that judges you

¿Que tal esto? Un libro con reconocimiento facial, que juzga a su lector (según su expresión) para ver si está libre de prejuicios para dejarlo leer su contenido.
Creado por el estudio el estudio creativo Moore (en Amsterdam), y se trata de un prototipo para la memoria 2015 de la Art Directors Club Netherlands que contendrá una selección de trabajos creativos…

Designed by Thijs Biersteker, an ex-Wieden & Kennedy creative who founded Moore, The Cover That Judges You has an integrated camera and facial-recognition technology that scans the face of whoever approaches. The system will scan your face for any signs of “judgment.” So, for example, if you are over-excited or your face indicates feelings of skepticism, the book cover stays locked. But if your expressions are neutral, the system will send an audio pulse to the Arduino micro-controller and the book will unlock itself. The reader can then browse inside the book.

Float Reader

Un lector digital on-line y para móvil, de prácticamente todo tipo de documentos: e-books, newsfeeds, blogs, redes sociales. Muy buena app para iPhone (el “Netflix” de la lectura), especialmente útil para quien tiene cuenta de Scribd.
Me molesta un poco que no haya para otras plataformas, pero acepto como correcto lanzarla primero en iPhone: su target es gente más “soñadora” y/o joven… y Dios sabe que ambos tipos de personas necesitan leer más…

Digital reading is fragmented. There are multiple devices, formats and apps that each address only part of the problem. Float aims to bring that all together—a digital reading service for news, blogs, documents and everything you read on the web. We’re partnering with publishers and other content providers to bring top quality content to Float, and the floating reading experience is social at its core. Float is currently available on the web at and as an app for your iPhone, and our vision is to extend Float to a multitude of devices…

Float Reader

Topicmarks reads and summarizes documents for you

Name: Topicmarks

Quick Pitch: Topicmarks summarizes your cloud documents and extracts the most important points for you.

Genius Idea: If you’ve ever come across a document too large to digest in a few minutes, you’re likely to find a new friend in Topicmarks.

The startup’s beta product represents more than four years of machine learning and artificial intelligence research that can statistically analyze cloud documents, or those you upload to service, to quickly distill them down to six sections: Overview, Facts, Summary, Keywords, Index and Properties. The technology is so adept at reading text and understanding context that Topicmarks can cut up the full text within documents into sentences, assign meaning to words and pluck out relevant facts, all within minutes. Think of it as a better, machine-enabled version of CliffsNotes — but for all text documents. Topicmarks users can upload documents, use the bookmarklet to grab web content, e-mail in text, or copy and paste text for nearly instant analysis. Key points are extracted and personalized to the user.

The company is also working on an Evernote plugin capable of automatically tagging new notes, applying tags to old notes and adding-in quick links to condensed summaries. Currently, users can already import their Evernote notes to view summaries. Topicmarks technology could also be applied to distilling key points from social media streams or RSS feeds, avenues that the startup may choose to pursue at a later date.

For now, the immediate focus is integrating with popular cloud services such as Dropbox or Scribd and improving the design of the site to make it more appealing to end users. The product, which has an infinite number of use cases, is primarily targeted at the more than 50 million information workers in the world producing or reproducing information, says CEO Roland Siebelink.

Interestingly enough, the technology is already proving popular with students and teachers, though a few in the latter group have e-mailed to complain that their students are “cheating” with the help of Topicmarks. Siebelink tells the story of a disgruntled teacher who awarded one sneaky student with the highest mark on a class assignment, only to later discover that the summary had been copied word for word from Topicmarks. This real-life example proves the quality of Topicmarks’ results, says Siebelink, who believes the tool ultimately helps both students and education workers.

Topicmarks is gaining interest from both end users and investors after winning two startup competitions — the winning Founder Showcase pitch is embedded below. The startup is reviewing term sheets from institutional investors and is said to be going after $1 million to $2 million in Series A funding, according to a source familiar with the matter. The product is free for the time being, but the company will enact a freemium pricing structure in the future that may charge to process larger documents, says Siebelink.

Topicmarks reads and summarizes documents for you