VW: The movie 

¿Pueden creer que va haber una película de esto? Todo es asimilado por el sistema, amigos. Todo…

El escándalo del Grupo Volkswagen sobre las pruebas de emisiones diésel va camino de tener su adaptación en Hollywood.

El estudio cinematográfico estadounidense Paramount Picture y la productora del actor Leonardo DiCaprio han adquirido los derechos de la película un futuro libro del periodista del New York Times Jack Ewing sobre el escándalo de las emisiones, que se ha convertido en la mayor crisis vivida por Volkswagen en sus 78 años de historia, dijeron el lunes Paramount y la neoyorquina agencia literaria Marly Rusoff and Associates…


Unos investigadores de la Universidad Nankai de Tianjin, al noreste de China, en colaboración con el fabricante automovilístico chino Great Wall Motor, han diseñado un coche que se maneja a base de sensores encefalográficos. Es decir, se controla con la mente.

Pienso que si podemos controlar una máquina tan sofisticada (y delicada) como un vehículo de pasajeros, pronto podrmeos controlar prácticamente cualquie otro aparato, lo que traería una revolución interesante al mundo de las interfaces…

Chinese researchers are developing brain controled cars…

China’s first mind-controlled car has been developed by researchers in the north-east port city of Tianjin. Chinese researchers have developed what they say is the country’s first car that uses nothing but brain power to drive.    The research team from Nankai University, in the north-eastern Chinese port city of Tianjin, has spent two years bringing the mind-controlled vehicle to reality…


Amé esta noticia de Reuters lo suficiente como para guardarla aquí. Tiene una inusual combinación de bizarres y felicidad…

California parrot that vanished 4 years returns speaking Spanish…

(Reuters) – The owner of a parrot that spoke English with a British accent says the bird went missing for four years, only to return speaking Spanish and asking for someone named Larry, a Southern California newspaper reported on Monday.

Darren Chick told the Daily Breeze newspaper that he doesn’t know where African grey parrot Nigel has been for four years but that aside from the language switch, the bird is doing fine back at home…




A man walks among tombstones as he visits the World War II Normandy American Cemetery and Memorial at Colleville sur Mer, situated above Omaha Beach in Normandy, France March 29, 2014. The memorial pays tribute to the American Second Ranger Battalion who fought there on June 6, 1944 as part of the D-Day landings in World War II. 
REUTERS/Christian Hartmann


Sakaya Sato

Hay muchas causas de sufrimiento, esta es por motivos deportivos. Es terrible la presión que traen encima los atletas de algunos países.

Yo le echo la culpa a cuestiones políticas, o por desgracia podrían ser tambien de índole familiar. Como sea, va una selección de imágenes con los momentos más alegres y tristes de lo que va de las Olimpiadas, a cargo de Reuters…


Japan’s Sakaya Sato fall son the court during her women’s singles round of 16 badminton match against Denmark’s Tine Baun during the London 2012 Olympic Games at the Wembley Arena, August 1 2012…


Sakaya Sato

Reading for freedom

En las Prisiones Federales de Brazil se está dando una de las mejores reformas que he visto en el sistema penal de un país: por cada libro leído, se reduce tu condena 4 días. Viva la evolución…

Inmates in four federal prisons holding some of Brazil’s most notorious criminals will be able to read up to 12 works of literature, philosophy, science or classics to trim a maximum 48 days off their sentence each year, the government announced.

Prisoners will have up to four weeks to read each book and write an essay which must “make correct use of paragraphs, be free of corrections, use margins and legible joined-up writing,” said the notice published on Monday in the official gazette.

A special panel will decide which inmates are eligible to participate in the program dubbed “Redemption through Reading”.

“A person can leave prison more enlightened and with a enlarged vision of the world,” said Sao Paulo lawyer Andre Kehdi, who heads a book donation project for prisons.

“Without doubt they will leave a better person,” he said…


Reading for freedom

The edge of solar system

Estos amiguitos están llegando tan lejos como nada ni nadie (de este planeta) ha llegado jamás. Son nuestro mensaje en la botella. Nuestra cápsula del tiempo y nuestra paloma de la paz. Ojalá vivamos lo suficiente para conocer alguna respesta…

“Voyager scientists looking at this rapid rise draw closer to an inevitable but historic conclusion – that humanity’s first emissary to interstellar space is on the edge of our solar system,” NASA said in the statement. Voyager 1, along with its sister spacecraft Voyager 2, was launched in 1977 and is now about 18 billion kilometers from the Sun. It is moving at a speed of about 17 km per second and it currently takes 16 hours and 38 minutes for data to reach NASA’s network on Earth. Voyager 2 is about 15 billion kilometers from the Sun. Between them, the probes have explored all the giant planets of the solar system; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, as well as 48 of their moons. They both carry a greeting for any extraterrestrial life they may bump into, a phonograph record and 12-inch gold-plated copper disk with sounds and images of life and culture on Earth selected by a group chaired by the famous space scientist Carl Sagan…


The edge of solar system


Blue moon

Una pequeña remembranza del grupo “The Platters”, cuyo último miembro fundador que aún vivía murió hace unos días. Los que veían el programa infantil “Chiquilladas” seguro la recordarán con humor, ya que el prinicipio de la canción era usado algo así como el “Plop” de Condorito, al final de todos los sketches…

Herb Reed, the last of the founding members of 1950s R&B crooners The Platters, known for hits such as “Smoke Gets in Your Eyes” and “Twilight Time,” has died at the age of 83.

Reed’s manager said the singer died in Boston on Monday after a period of declining health that included chronic heart disease. Reed had lived in the Boston area for many years, most recently Arlington, Massachusetts.

The Platters, the most popular black singing group of their time, were formed as harmonizing street singers in Los Angeles in 1953 by Reed – who is credited with coming up with the group’s name – and four others.

The group, with a lineup that included female vocalist Zola Taylor in addition to Reed, David Lynch, Tony Williams and Paul Robi, went on to have four number-one singles on the U.S. charts between 1955 and 1958 with its soulful pop harmonies.

Two of the Platters’ recordings, “The Great Pretender” and “Only You (And You Alone)” are in the Grammy Hall of Fame, which honors recordings of lasting significance.