Rise of the individual

Publicistas, leer este artíclo (en PDF) de publicislifebrandsresolute.com
es clave entender que para los mercados y medios digitales de hoy, las nociones de “público” y de “masivo” estan a punto de desaparecer por completo. A cambio de eso, los conceptos de individuo y de personalización han dejado de ser una anécdota aspiracional (que siempre se había manejado engañosamente), para convertirse ahora sí en algo no solo realizable, sino presente en practicamente todas las formas de comunicación y consumo (efectivas)…

Rise of the individual & agents of change

We are in the midst of a seismic shift in communications theory and practice, fuelled by the rise in the power of the individual as an agent of change. This relatively new power of the individual aligns with the coming of age of the millennial generation, the widespread adoption of a variety of interactive and online media channels, and a growing distrust of established organisations as information sources and authority. The impact and convergence of these factors has changed how we communicate today, dramatically moving us from a mass communication to a personalised communication mindset.

One impact of this increased focus on self and increased questioning is a growing distrust of established media and journalism models, and of the role of organizations as traditionally reliable news sources…


Rise of the individual