Running = No cancer 

Alguna vez escuche a algún bobalicón decir que correr es deporte para pobres. Era uno de esos ignorantes presuntuosos que ven al deporte como otro trending topic, que hacen el Insanity por 3 días y lo dejan, que solo pueden correr 5 kms si les dan una medalla, o que creen que tener que una vida sana equivale a pagar un GYM de 1500 mensuales.

Hoy me encontré este bonito estudio sobre los nuevos beneficios de correr, entre los que se encuentran la producción de células inmunes al cáncer, pues favorece a crear el ambiente propicio para que estas células se desarrollen mejor y sean más fuertes.

Pobre del bobalicón, pensé por segunda vez…

Running is also great for holding off cancer. We know well enough that regular physical exercise can limit the development and recurrence of cancer, and there has been evidence that it can improve outcomes and functional capacity in cancer patients even to the point of suppressing tumors, but the mechanisms behind this have been murky. This is where a new study in the journal Cell comes in, describing not just the tumor-limiting effects of voluntary running in mice, but also how that limiting actually happens via the activation of immune cells known as NK or “natural killer” cells, a type of lymphocyte or white blood cell whose function is all in the name…

Buy with sweat

Attention runners: your hard-spent time at the gym or on the road could now earn you a new pair of Nike shoes.

JWT Mexico has created a new experience as a part of Nike’s global #makeitcount campaign– an auction for Nike products that uses ‘sweat,’ not money, as currency. The campaign promotes (and uses!) Nike +, the popular program that tracks a user’s runs through their smart phones, iPod nanos, or sports watches.

The Nike + auction, a Facebook app, relies on synced Nike + data (every Nike + user has to have an account, which automatically syncs runs) to assign runners their auction credits- the more kilometers runners have logged, the more buying power they have in the auction.

Auctions last for 15 days and are only for one specific Nike product. The first auction, live now (and up for another few days), is for a pair of women’s Nike Free.0 sneakers. The auction app displays a runner’s total kilometers for a specified time period (for this auction, kilometers logged with Nike + since April 14th) as well as the current bid- if a runner has run more than the current bid, she can put in a higher bid. But if she hasn’t logged enough kilometers to match the current bid, she’ll have to keep running in the hope she can ‘catch up’ and be able to put in a bid later on during the auction…

Buy with sweat