
Otra idea para rockear con tu regalo de navidad: cojines con tu cara impresa (o la de quien quieras ponerle)…

– Turn your face into an outlandish cushion
– Terrifying, but extremely comfortable
– Cuddle up to your morphed mug
– Also works as a wonderfully weird gift
– Comes in packs of one or three.

What would you rather cuddle up with – a boring, dull normal cushion or someone’s squishy, distorted face? Stupid question, we know.

These aptly named ‘Mushions’ are wondrously weird. If there’s as effective a conversation starter in the whole entire world as having your chops printed on a gloriously comfortable cushion, we’re yet to hear about it…

Biometric shopping

Aquí un buen invento de la compañía canadiense Bionym, una pulsera que lee tu ritmo cardiaco -lo que es tan único en cada persona como una huella digital-, para verificar tu identidad, lo que luego servirá para infinidad de cosas, desde hacer compras digitales hasta monitorear y/o controlar casi cualquier aspecto de tu vida. Todo a partir de reconocimeinto biométrico…

Like your fingerprint, the pattern of your heartbeat is unique. Developed by Toronto-based startup Bionym, the Nymi wristband uses this fact to securely authenticate a user’s identity: when you touch the device, it reads your ECG using electrodes. The band stays authenticated until it’s removed, and automatically unlocks devices that are in close proximity (and have compatible apps). An integrated accelerometer and gyroscope also recognise simple gestures, so you can tailor commands/actions to tasks.….