Star Citizen

La compañia de video-juegos Cloud Imperium  está creando este proyecto llamado “Star Citizen”, un juego RPG de aventuras inter-estelares online, multi-jugador y de acción cooperativa que emplea varios tipos de juego (shooter, trading, estrategia, simulador de vuelo) y utiliza una de las recreaciones en 3D de mapas estelares más espectaculares que han visto.

El sitio que comparto tiene un pequeño demo con parte de ese mapa estelar donde el juego vive. No importa que sean gamers o no, si tienen una desktop a la mano, este es un sitio al que deben echarle un ojo…

At the dawn of the 29th century, a new center of knowledge and understanding was constructed: the ARK. Not bound to any one place, species or government, the Ark was established under a simple principle: to provide a neutral repository for all galactic knowledge.

A pet project of Imperator Marshall Leon, the desire was to usher in a new era of cooperation between species after hundreds of years of hostilities. Imperator Leon believed that the simplest path to peace was empathy and sought to unite the greatest minds of not only Humanity, but also of the Xi’An, Banu, Tevarian and even Vanduul* to endeavor towards this noble goal. There were many hurdles along the way. The Senate refused funding when they learned the project was going to be run privately. Some vocal opponents were worried that the data shared would be used against Humanity. The invitation to the Vanduul incited calls for Imperator Leon’s removal from office. Yet despite all that, the Ark was completed, and as we approach the institution’s sesquicentennial anniversary, it is hard to deny the positive impact this incredible resource has had on civilization. To this day it continues to strive to present a holistic viewpoint of history; collecting as much knowledge as they can, from as many sources as they can.

Currently residing in the Tayac System, the Ark and its team of dedicated archivists and researchers curate this information for the Galactapedia and the Starmap. Invaluable tools that allow all beings to better understand the universe and find their way through it.

Star Citizen