Star crossed

Esto no se ve todos los días. Los astrónomos de ESO (European Southern Observatory) han descubierto un par de estrellas chocando entre ellas. Esto es cientifica -y rimbombantemente- conocido como un sistema binario sobrecontactado, donde las dos estrellas orbitan muy cercanamente una de la otra y forman un puente de material estelar.

Los científicos predicen que en algún momento, esta asociación terminará de manera espectacular, haciendo que los cuerpos estelares emerjan como una estrella titánica o bien, en una violenta supernova, que podría llevar al nacimiento de un agujero negro binario.

Todo lo que se acerca demasiado termina por fusionarse o destruirse. Recordaré eso…

A team of astronomers using the European Southern Observatory’s Very Large Telescope has found a binary star pair so close, their surfaces overlap. The stars orbit each other over the course of about 24-hours, with surface temperatures exceeding 40,000 degrees Celsius, making them the hottest and most massive “overcontact binary” that’s ever been discovered. It’s fortunate they were even observed, as systems like this don’t tend to last very long…


Net neutrality & Porn

Esta campaña defiende la neutralidad en internet por las recientes reformas en su regulación que varias personas, están promoviendo… Ya no se habla de derechos humanos, de la cuarta enmienda, ni de nada inteligente. El mensaje sólo es como lo que se diría a un niño para que no haga un berrinche “¿Quieres aquello? Entonces deten esto”.

Es como esa otra campaña anti-tabaquismo, donde en lugar de poner unos pulmones de fumador o un enfermo con cáncer terminal en las cajetillas, solo te dicen “Con lo que gastas en 35 de estas cosas te alcanza para un iPod”. Igual, es como hablarle a un niño, jugar con los impulsos más inconscientes y elementales. Y luego dicen que la publicidad nos hace pensar…

With Alex Chance, Mercedes Carrera, Nadia Styles, Funny Or Die,more » Adult film stars Alex Chance, Mercedes Carrera, and Nadia Styles explain the importance of net neutrality.
Porn Stars Explain Net Neutrality from Alex Chance…


Me gustaría saber quien es la menta maquiavélica detrás de este tio de GIFs…

Justin Bieber’s wild Thursday, which started with an arrest for DUl and drag racing, is slowing down now that the 19-year-old has been released from police custody

Though the singer hired power attorney Roy Black to handle his case, the public’s reaction to the controversy is hard to contain. #JustinBieber is trending on social networks, and his mug shot is plastered across the web. 

With new details about the arrest still emerging, many are drawing their own conclusions. And the Internet has come to agreement on one thing in particular: Bieber looks a lot like Miley Cyrus in his mug shot.

Netizens are bound to uncover more viral treasures as Bieber’s legal drama unfolds, but for now, that’s all folks...

Constellation Mug

The Constellation Mug looks pretty unremarkable when empty. A casual observer might not even recognize the little white flecks as stars. But pour yourself a hot cup of coffee or tea, and eleven constellations – including Orion, Hercules, and Perseus – spring into view. Do want.

Yeah, we know temperature-sensitive mugs aren’t really anything new – but this was too cool to pass up. Who wouldn’t enjoy starting their day with a little sup from the heavens?

Why barns are red

Los graneros son rojos por la forma en que se mueren las estrellas…
Suena a poesía pero no, aquí va la explicación de esto.
Me encantan este tipo de inter-conexiones inusuales entre cosas que en apariencia son totalmete ajenas. Como decían en el Circulo de Viena: “el conocimiento es uno”…

We all know that barns are usually red. But why? Well, the answer is a little more complicated than you might think, but basically it’s because of nuclear fusion.

Googler Yonatan Zunger took the time to explain the whole thing in great detail on Google+, and the train of thought goes a little something like this:

  • Barns are red because red paint is the cheapest and easiest to make.
  • Red paint is the cheapest and easiest to make because the ground is loaded with an iron-oxide compound called red orche. (or basically, rust)
  • The ground is loaded with red ochre because when stars die, physics dictates they generate a bunch of iron and explode.

It’s that step where things get a little more complicated. Zunger explains it this way:

[When a star dies, it] starts to shrink. And as it shrinks, the pressure goes up, and the temperature goes up, until suddenly it hits a temperature where a new reaction can get started. These new reactions give it a big burst of energy, but start to form heavier elements still, and so the cycle gradually repeats, with the star reacting further and further up the periodic table, producing more and more heavy elements as it goes.

Until it hits 56. At that point, the reactions simply stop producing energy at all; the star shuts down and collapses without stopping. This collapse raises the pressure even more, and sets off various nuclear reactions which will produce even heavier elements, but they don’t produce any energy: just stuff…

Why barns are red

100,000 Stars

Otro de esos experimentos de Chrome que nos dejan con la boca abierta. Esta vez una simulación 3D donde de nuestra galaxia, donde se muestran cienmil de las estrellas más cercanas a nosotros, con toda la información correspondiente a cada una de ellas. Un planetario completo en línea…


100,000 Stars is an interactive visualization of the stellar neighborhood created for the Google Chrome web browser. It shows the location of 119,617 nearby stars derived from multiple sources, including the 1989 Hipparcos mission. Zooming in reveals 87 individually identified stars and our solar system. The galaxy view is an artist’s rendition based on NGC 1232, a spiral galaxy like the Milky Way.

Instructions: Pan using your mouse and zoom in/out using your touchpad or mouse wheel. Click a star’s name to learn more about it.

Warning: Scientific accuracy is not guaranteed. Please do not use this visualization for interstellar navigation.

100,000 Stars


“A dream without stars is a dream forgotten” – Paul Eduard

Director: Iker Elorrieta.
Producer: Sergio Villalba, Sam McIntosh.
Camera operator: Iker Elorrieta.
Music composer: Nico Casal.
Surfers: Adam Melling, Julian Wilson, Kolohe Andino.
Special thanks: Stab magazine, Oakley, Siam Park (Tenerife)
Post producer: Iker Elorrieta.
Production company: Pantoma

Nightsurf from Iker Elorrieta on Vimeo.
