Calcified Statues

Siempre he dicho que hay una belleza especial en la muerte. Si no entienden porqué, vean estas fotografías de Nick Brandt. Estos animales parecen esculturas, pero no, la forma en que mueren (convertidas en estatuas) es el resultado de un proceso natural e instantáneo, causado por el alto nivel de alcalinidad de un lago en Tanzania… 

Lake Natron in northern Tanzania is one of the harshest environments on Earth. Temperatures in the lake can rise to 140 °F (60 °C) and the alkalinity is between pH 9 and pH 10.5, almost as alkaline as ammonia. Animals who enter the water are almost certainly doomed, save certain kinds of fish that have evolved to survive in such a caustic environment.

While working Africa photographer Nick Brandt stopped by the lake to discover several dead animals on the shoreline. Birds and other small mammals that end up in the water gradually become calcified, turned to stone in the deadly water. Brandt tells NewScientist, “I could not help but photograph them. No one knows for certain exactly how they die, but it appears that the extreme reflective nature of the lake’s surface confuses them, and like birds crashing into plate glass windows, they crash into the lake”…


Dead Can Dance (Brendan Perry & Lisa Gerrard) – Amnesia 
Album: Anastasis, 2012 

Saw the demonstration 
On remembrance day 
Lest we forget the lesson 
Enshrined in funeral clay 
History is never written 
By those who’ve lost 
The defeated must bear witness to 
Our collective memory loss 

With every generation comes 
Another memory lapse 
See the demonstrations of 
Failing to learn from our past 
We live in the dreamtime 
Nothing seems to last 
Can you really plan a future 
When you no longer have a past 

Memories fall from the trees 
Memories like autumn leaves 

If we are subject to 
Empirical minds 
I wonder what lies beyond 
Our memory’s confines 
If memory is the true 
Sum of who we are 
May your children know the truth 
And shine like the brightest star 

Memory, help me see 
Memory, set me free 

All my love and all my kisses 
Sweet Mnemosyne 
All my love and all my kisses 
Sweet Mnemosyne 
Sweet Mnemosyne