Steampunk computers

Para quienes piensen que las computadoras sólo podrían haber existido en el mundo de lo digital, aquí están estas chuladas: prototipos de ordenadores con todo el espíritu de la época victoriana (lo que se conoce como Steampunk), inspirada en los universos alternos de escritores de ficción del sig. XIX, como H.P. Lovecraft.
No es tan descabellada la idea si pensamos que los primeros aparatos pensados para hacer operaciones (es decir las calculadoras), datan de muchos tiempo antes de que fuera descubierta siquiera la electricidad…

In an alternate reality Charles Babbage’s difference engine and Ada Lovelace’s computer programming led us into a world filled with brass-keyed laptops with phonograph speaker systems. Several artists have brought that imagined reality to life, building working computers with a steampunk edge…

Henry Waltz

“In 2012 the journey begins”. Henry Waltz is a concept of a feature length film. It’s the first teaser showing the visual conception of the film. All the visuals, animations and compositing made by Emil Goodman.

Emil Goodman is a Polish animator and filmmaker who has done a bunch of shorts, but no features yet. Henry Waltz is his first big production and, while it’s reminiscent to other upcoming steampunk themed animation features like the Terry Gilliam produced 1884, it’s still impressive to behold. There’s no story synopsis that I can find, so the project is shrouded in some mystery. Despite some of the more artsy creature elements I think it’s safe to say there is a story… at least I hope so. It would seem like a lot of work to not take people on a journey of some kind.

It’s worth noting that Goodman did a lot of the work on cheap home-made motion capture systems and used many Diy approaches to get his striking visuals on a budget. And, if you like this, you can see more of Emil Goodman’s stuff on his blog. »



I have a weakness for steampunk and this is a particularly fine specimen of gorgeous steampunk-style animation.