
Los cinemagraphs son verdaderamente formas de arte, al menos cuando están bien hechos. Aquí hay algunas piezas interesantes, provienentes de la obra del artista turco Erdal Inci…

Video artist Erdal Inci completed his undergraduate studies in 2005 at theDepartment of Painting, Faculty of Fine Arts of Hacettepe University, Turkey.

He starting points for his works are the phenomena ofmotion, time and rhythm. Just as in music, he exploresfixed vibrations at equal intervals visually and for thispurpose, he uses the video as an instrument. The worktitled The Circular Echo is composed of sequentiallyarranged photo frames of a juggler’s performance video.32 frames that compose approximately a one-secondlongmotion are seen concurrently in the video. Thus,first broken into its fragments, the video suggests a newabstract, plastic language reflecting the character of thismotion consequently joined together again…


Title: selfportrait_circle Artist: Erdal Inci