Shitty robots

Un pedazo de carne dando swype eternamente a un smart-phone. Me dijo demasiadas sobre nuestras sociedades tecnológicas actuales.

Me lo encontré por ahí en la página de Reddit de alguien que recopila robots desgradables (“shitty, los llama”) y otras máquinas absurdas de este tipo. Aun investigo al genio creador de esta ironía de pieza (seré su fan cuando lo encuentre). Mientras les dejo las reglas del blog (que es colaborativo), por si quieren aportar algo…

1) While we specialize in Shitty robots, we now also allow the following types of robots:

  • Useless Robots
  • Funny Robots
  • Adorable Robots

2) Certain bots are not allowed, this is either because they don’t fit the sub or they’ve been posted too many times:

Please report any posts that feature these robots.

*If either of the above rules are broken, the post will be removed. Repeat offenders will be banned.

3) At the moment we only allow links from following web sites:


If your post does not link to one of these sites and rehosting is not an option, please message the moderators with a link to your post.

4) Please label any reposts as [repost] or it will be removed.

5) Please flair your post according to the categories laid out in rule 1.

More rules to come!