Tablets for the blind

Una tablet creda por el Dr. Sile O’Modhrain de la Universidad de Michigan para poder ser leída con el tacto por ciegos, modificando la superficie de su display físicamente y usando el sistema braile (como muestra este video).

Y según he leído, muy económica de producir, pensando en fines educativos.
Se ve que les urge capturar a ese publico…

Researchers at the University of Michigan recently unveiled a new Braille-enabled prototype tablet that makes it possible for those with vision problems to read text on a full display . The tablet itself features fully refreshable pages containing raised bumps, a marked improvement from current devices that can only display one line of Braille text at a time.

Led by professor Dr. Sile O’Modhrain, researchers at the University of Michigan are also planning to add the ability for individuals with vision impairment to ‘read’ graphs, photographs and other non-text items….