Hay una canción de David Bowie que dice “Please make sure we get tomorrow” (algo así como “asegúrate de que lleguemos al futuro”).
Ojalá lo hagamos, hay promesas bastantes interesantes en él (al menos tecnológicamente hablando), lo que plantea Nicholas Negroponte -fundador/director del MIT Media Lab– en esta plática.
Démosle el beneficio de la duda…

You’ll be able to learn a whole language eating a pill in the future

When MIT Media Lab founder Nicholas Negroponte says that humans will be able to learn an entire language by eating a pill, you better listen. In this new TED Talk, Negroponte shows all the times he was right predicting the future in the 1970s and 1980s even while people laughed at him. Here’s what he thinks that will happen next…



iPhone robot

Your smartphone may feel like a friend – but a true friend would give you a smile once in a while. At TED2013, Keller Rinaudo demos Romo, the smartphone-powered mini robot who can motor along with you on a walk, slide you a cup of coffee across the table, and react to you with programmable expressions.

Keller Rinaudo is the co-founder and CEO of Romotive – makers of the small, covetable robot, Romo…


environmental sculptures

Imagínense una medusa marina de 10 pisos de altura, meciéndose al ritmo del viento. O una aurora boreal artificial, congelada en el espacio. Esa es la sensación que uno tiene (según algunos críticos) al ver estas esculturas. La metáfora es hermosa, ojalá un día traigan por acá algo de esta artista norteamericana, para ver si es cierto…

Janet Echelman builds living, breathing sculpture environments that respond to the forces of nature — wind, water and light— and become inviting focal points for civic life. Exploring the potential of unlikely materials, from fishing net to atomized water particles, Echelman combines ancient craft with cutting-edge technology to create her permanent sculpture at the scale of buildings. Experiential in nature, the result is sculpture that shifts from being an object you look at, to something you can get lost in…
