Strings Attached

El pintor holandés Jonas Lund es un artista conceptual cuya obra aplica condiciones que hacen que el venderse sea un poco más difícil de lo normal. Es es su concepto, una crítica a esa “burbuja” en la que el arte contemporáneo esta encerrado desde hace ya varias decadas…

Strings Attached
2015, Text based painting series
Steve Turner
March 21 – May 2, 2015
Opening reception: Saturday, March 21, 7 – 9

Steve Turner is pleased to present Strings Attached, a solo exhibition by Amsterdam-based artist Jonas Lund which will feature 24 text-based paintings that relate to the current “bubble moment” in contemporary art. Each work uses text that restricts the transfer of ownership in some way, such as “This painting may never be sold at auction” or “This painting must be resold by March 21, 2017”.

Lund uses fabric wallpaper as backgrounds for the works, and their messages have been painted by a sign painter according to Lund’s directions. As a group, the 24 paintings encompass contradictory efforts made by gallerists who both want to fuel market momentum for their artists while trying to shield them from the damaging effects of quick-profit speculation…

Google auto-complete

Un caso muy curioso de un compositor (casi de poca monta, podría decirse), que logro obtener una nominación a mejor canción los premios “Golden Globe 2016“, por haber usado la búsqueda de Google y la función de auto-complete en la letra de su tema. Loq ue hace pensar que escribió utilizando ideas, insights y hasta fraseos del subconsciente colectivo, cosa que aparentemente ayudo a éxito del tema.

Otra probadita de cuánto sabe Google de nosotros. Y de que el éxito siempre es complaciente…

Lang collaborated with Sorrentino almost entirely by emailing him demo recordings. Sorrentino then would reply by email, essentially saying whether the music sufficiently moved him. As Lang told the Times: “I kept sending demos of the song to Paolo, things that I thought were emotionally devastating. He would write back and he’d say, ‘I’m sorry, I am crying a little, but I need to cry a lot.

”Sorrentino never wanted Lang to describe his method—either at music composition or text arrangement—to him, which meant that when “Simple Song” finally made Sorrentino cry a lot, Lang never told him certain elements of its writing.“I never ran [the text] by him. I never showed it to him,” he told me this week. “I never told him I got it from the Internet.”

Google auto-complete

En un estudio de La Universidad de Binghamton, Inglaterra (con muy poca seriedad, advierto), se probó que los mensajes de texto terminados con punto son percibidos como “menos honestos”, aunque sea la forma correcta de escribir.

Pero quedarse en esa conclusión es ver sólo la punta del ice-berg. Cualquiera con tantita cabeza sabe las consecuencias y los defectos de la comunicación basada en texto, tan común en los dispositivos digitales de hoy (chat, sms, mails, etc), y ala que las tecnologías digitales actuales -en toda su gloria- nos han hecho regresar. ¡Esto no pasaba con el teléfono!

Mi consejo: si alguien se ofende o te reclama ser demasiado “seco”, por escribir tus mensajes de whatsApp “con puntos”, elimina a es amigo.

Tenemos graves problemas de comunicación. Todos…

You’re a jerk if you end texts with a period, scientific study finds…

The study, conducted by Celia Klin and her team of researchers at the Binghamton University, found that text messages that end with a period are perceived to be less sincere.To conduct their research, Clin and her team recruited 126 Binghamton undergraduates to read a series of 16 messaging exchanges

The exchanges began with questions (“Wanna hang out?” etc.) and ended with one-word replies that either ended with a period (like “Sure.”) or ended with no punctuation at all (i.e., “Ok”)…

Thoughts to Text

Buenas noticias: unos científicos del condado de Albany (Nueva York) acaban de inventar y probar exitosamente un “dispositivo para reconocimiento de ondas cerebrales”, que puede convertir a texto nuestros pensamientos.

Malas noticias: para hacerlo funcionar tienes que tener el cráneo abierto, con el cerebro expuesto, y adherirle unos electrodos directamente en la corteza.

Early adopters, recomiendo esperar un poco más para encontrarle usos. A menos que sean Hannibal Lecter

No, it’s not science fiction. For the first time ever, scientists in Albany, NY were able to use a “brain-to-text” interface to read thoughts and translate them into text. But it wasn’t as simple as one might imagine. In fact, the experiment made me a bit squeamish. To use the “device,” researchers placed seven patients in a controlled environment to perform a bit of surgery.

The patients’ skulls were split open and electrode sheets were attached directly to their brains. They were also asked to read aloud from various texts (the Gettysburg Address, JFK’s inaugural address, Charmed fan fiction, and a children’s story) to get a baseline of what their brains were doing while they were speaking.

Finally, the “brainwave recognition device” was able to translate the patients’ thoughts onto paper, although the translations were rough and limited. Until this device can read minds without cracking someone’s head open, I think I’ll keep my thoughts to myself. For more details see the full story on Vice

Thoughts to Text

Evidence Q

Otra de esas campañas preventivas para hacer una cruda consciencia de los peligros al textear y manejar. De Young & Rubicam Puerto Rico para Nissan. No es lo mejor que he visto del tema. Pero me encanta la ejecución limpia  (casi minimalista). Y amo la sangre…

It only takes one letter. Don’t text and drive.

Advertising Agency: Y&R, Puerto Rico
Creative Director: Sylvia Soler
Associate Creative Director / Copywriter: Vanessa Fernández
Associate Creative Director / Art Director: Arturo Pérez
Photographer: Paco Márquez
Retoucher: Otto Canchani

Un compañero de trabajo (todo un geek, evidentemente) posteó por ahí una camiseta con esta chulada de frase. Comparto su sabiduría…

Life’s too short to remove USB safely…

Nuestra camiseta gruesa y de color oscuro es cómoda, informal y suelta; pronto se convertirá en una de tus favoritas. Esta camiseta, confeccionada con 100% algodón preencogido de 170 gramos, le queda bien a todo el mundo. La costura doble en los bordes y las mangas hará que dure aún más. De importación.

Creado por Zazzle Apparel
Vendido por Zazzle
Diseñado por JnMStore


Esta empresa se dedica a hacer posters que  además de ser visualmente bastante atractivos, te permiten leer la totalidad (o gran parte) de tu libro favorito.
Como se puede ver en el catálogo de su sitio web (, no solo tienen las principales obras de la literatura clásica y muchos de ciencia ficción, sino que además toman pedidos especiales del libro que quieras tener en poster…

We are a small team of bibliophiles who love art and literature. We are one of the pioneers of “wall of text” designs, where we use words from a
book to form an illustration. No lines. No edges. Just words.

Postertext breathes new life into some of the most important literary works ever written by using the writer’s own words. We take pride in our ability to produce the highest quality work that captures the heart and spirit of the author’s original vision. To accomplish this, we read every single book to completion before even attempting to brainstorm possible designs.

The result is stunningly elegant…


Bullshit Ipsum

Si necesitas un poco de palabrería para maquetar texto en tus dummys, mockups y demás diseños y además no te gusta el Latín (si, lo digo por tí Lorem Ipsum), entonces esto te va a servir.

Claro, existen otros generadores de texto, como la opción sexosa o la de comida, pero esto es más “techie”…

Reinvent evolve enterprise remix podcasts, “mission-critical mindshare monetize.” Efficient share enhance communities matrix platforms generate; citizen-media aggregate, unleash, proactive, scale. Ubiquitous; clicks-and-mortar frictionless, metrics visionary long-tail addelivery dynamic vertical holistic tagclouds solutions revolutionary end-to-end, turn-key? Magnetic integrate morph content, integrate podcasts methodologies, web-readiness grow, e-services, “syndicate mashups end-to-end empower integrated,” architectures architectures synergies feeds. Streamline; target reinvent seize facilitate cross-media e-business extend disintermediate enable plug-and-play visionary seamless synergize ROI enable enterprise mindshare web-readiness.

Engineer capture compelling peer-to-peer, web-readiness networks communities grow synergize sexy tag monetize ROI, embrace networking blogging, leverage 24/7 turn-key. Synergize clicks-and-mortar applications, niches authentic disintermediate user-contributed visionary extend, whiteboard repurpose; reinvent cutting-edge networking? Harness repurpose, models, disintermediate incubate; design, aggregate e-services communities morph, collaborative eyeballs implement strategize integrate granular solutions, widgets platforms. 24/7 metrics viral collaborative applications engineer, “innovative,” engage visualize reinvent maximize strategize. Bricks-and-clicks e-business; podcasting enhance rich interfaces enhance enhance, strategize synergize front-end? IntegrateAJAX-enabled dynamic deliverables deliverables systems clicks-and-mortar channels intuitive communities syndicate; feeds, rss-capable integrate addelivery!

B2B; e-markets utilize rich aggregate rich capture extend dot-com integrateAJAX-enabled, applications. Widgets user-contributed, infomediaries repurpose–integrate aggregate, deploy robust deliverables experiences repurpose standards-compliant. Redefine, e-markets rich intuitive visionary e-business reintermediate virtual functionalities post integrate extend virtual unleash. Cluetrain functionalities convergence partnerships redefine bandwidth, convergence tag capture schemas tag post redefine integrated integrated global best-of-breed convergence. Widgets integrate synergies user-centric: grow, productize embrace. Systems platforms harness, incentivize strategic envisioneer models: implement, mindshare–e-business bricks-and-clicks synergize ecologies, grow wikis initiatives rich-clientAPIs design! Reinvent cross-platform orchestrate repurpose e-markets beta-test productize enterprise vortals, portals revolutionary rich-clientAPIs users reintermediate; peer-to-peer architectures aggregate enterprise initiatives networks. Scalable bleeding-edge benchmark disintermediate value-added life-hacks podcasting turn-key content, remix B2B integrated grow out-of-the-box e-business.

Web-readiness repurpose design, engineer folksonomies; real-time viral, Cluetrain reinvent solutions supply-chains beta-test, supply-chains. Expedite holistic holistic action-items partnerships integrated, customized revolutionize dot-com revolutionize web-readiness rich-clientAPIs addelivery. Widgets compelling generate mission-critical viral syndicate–functionalities paradigms peer-to-peer applications integrate integrated intuitive customized implement, innovate, envisioneer integrateAJAX-enabled scale revolutionary.

Streamline capture matrix experiences exploit dynamic, “networking best-of-breed embrace long-tail B2C deploy recontextualize global proactive.” Exploit recontextualize envisioneer capture empower, infrastructures, “standards-compliant plug-and-play,” drive strategize architectures morph best-of-breed; impactful extensible aggregate, “e-services innovate.”…

Bullshit Ipsum

The Book That Can’t Wait

La editorial publicó un título llamado “El libro que no puede esperar”, que es el únic libro que tienes 2 meses para terminar de leerlo… o desaparece (su texto usa una tinta especial que con el tiempo se hace invisible).

Aunque la idea me parece genial (ganó un Cannes), no se me ocurre un mejor comentario que el pueso alguien en la misma liga donde encontré la noticia. Los comparto aquí (la liga y el comentario)

Paso 1- roba el libro
Paso 2 – escanéalo
Paso 3 – súbleo a BitTorrent
Paso 4 – el libro jamás desaparece


To encourage people to read books from new authors, Argentinean independent publishers Eterna Cadencia has published a book using a special ink that slowly disappears within two months, after coming into contact with the environment.

Called ‘The Book That Can’t Wait’, the concept behind it is to encourage people to read books by more quickly—giving new authors the attention and chance to publish a second book. 

According to Eterna Cadencia, they said that unlike people, books are very patient and they wait for us to read them—which is ok for books, but not for new authors. 

They also added that by publishing a book with a ‘lifespan’, it strengthens the bond between new authors and their readers—ensuring that books are read quickly. 

Eterna Cadencia is planning to use this as a platform to promote other titles that ‘don’t deserve to wait on a shelf’.