Most Retweeted Tweet

I’m going to be a father! Well, on TV at least. The “Boy Meets World” sequel is officially happening! – @BenSavage

Esta nota de Mashable presenta un listado de los Tuits  (“Tweets”, si les ofende que lo castellanize) mas Retuiteados de toda la historia de Twitter -o dicho más simple, de los mensajes más reenviados-.
Como la nota lo advierte y lamenta, el uso mas común que la famosa plataforma de micro-blogging ha encontrado, no ha sido para difundir ideas revolucionarias, noticias relevantes, o información útil para la mayoria de la gente, sino una mezcla absurda de comentarios y fotos personales de gente famosa, principalmente del mundo del espectáculo.
Si, es triste pero en fin, el que internet esté lleno de basura no es precisamente culpa de internet…

So, on the eve of Twitter’s initial public offering, we took a look at what Twitter-tracker Favstar says are the most-retweeted tweets of all time (though none is more than a couple years old).

This seems like the best metric for measuring Twitter success, given that the network’s defining feature is the rapid spread of information. And yes, we understand this list is not totally comprehensive or perfect: for example, it leaves off Barack Obama’s re-election tweet,which garnered more than 789,000 retweets. And there are tweets from Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian and a Green Bay football player noted here that should be on the list, but don’t change the analysis. So, as a caveat, let’s say FavStar is not canonical, but it is instructive.

Notably missing from the list: political figures, revolutions, breaking-news events. While most individual Twitter accounts feature a mix of entertainment, news and interpersonal interaction, when you average out the sea of tweets, we find gray platitudes from famous people.

OK, here we go, from No. 12 to No. 1, ranging from roughly 45,000 retweets up to 110,000:

Most Retweeted Tweet

Top12 Android apps

En estas épocas es imposible navegar la web sin encontrarte con estos “recuentos” con lo mejor del año en cualquier tema que se te ocurra. Aquí va una lista de las mejores 12 aplicaciones Android del año, publicada por el mismo Google a través de

No son jueguitos ni hacen “cositas chistosas” pero son útiles para quien está acostumbrado a realmente sacarle provecho a un smartphone…

Google has released its list of the top Android apps of 2012. This year’s list includes not only apps that were released this year, such as Pinterest’s Android app, but also apps that saw significant updates during the past calendar year.

Ranging from an app to help you monitor your finances to an app to help you book your next vacation, the chosen apps all sport a clean and easy-to-use design, representing what Google feels are the best of the best in Google Play.

Almost all of the apps on the list are also available for phones and tablets, so whether you have a Galaxy S III smartphone, or a Nexus 7 tablet, you can likely take advantage of everything they have to offer.

Check out the full list of apps in the gallery above. Did your favorite Android app make the list? Tell us what Google missed in the comments… 

Top12 Android apps