Cars that feel

Una de las activaciones más ambiciosas que he visto en mi vida (al menos tecnológicamente hablando), creada por la marca Toyota y la agencia australiana Soap Creative, para hacer que la gente conozca el nuevo Prius e interactuar con autos que en verdad sienten y responden a estímulos (besos, abrazos, caricias)…

VIVID Sydney is a unique annual event of light & ideas that happens all around Sydney’s CBD. It’s Sydney’s largest tourism event attracting over 1,400,000 visitors. Soap Creative was chosen as one of the 50 artists to create a light installation. Our piece the ‘Cars That Feel’ was created in collaboration with Toyota to showcase the entire Prius range…

Outdoor website

Draft FBC Johannesburgo y Hellocomputer hicieron esta campaña para promocionar la nueva RAV4 de Toyota, cuyo target es gente 100% amante de la aventura y de los ambientes exteriores. El resultado fué el primer sitio de internet fuera de internet…

The new RAV4 is built for the outdoor adventurers – the guys who spend their weekends hiking and cycling, and not behind their computer screens surfing the net. That’s why we decided to take the new RAV4 website to them, on a 1.8km cycling track, so that they could explore the new RAV4 in their outdoor environment. 

With the help of some very innovative technology, we literally built a real-life RAV4 website in the great outdoors, so that not only looked like the online version, but behaved like it too. Cyclists could trade in their mouse for a mountain bike, and navigate the RAV4 Outdoor Website.

Agency: Hellocomputer & Draftfcb Johannesburg
Executive Creative Director: Kerry Friend
Art Directors: Matthys Esterhuysen, Adrian.Teixeira-Porrescas, Jade Amic
Copywriters: Camilla Clerke, Jesse Coetsee 
Production: Michelle Geere, Justine Grimmer
Technology Design: Johan Pieterse, Nathan O’ Gates, Thingking
Build: Thinkging
Director and Editor: Hellocomputer, Blackenvelope Films
Chief Creative Officer: Brett Morris

Move as one

A new campaign for Toyota Prius from Saatchi L.A. is a metaphorical performance piece that creates a single person out of 18 bodies. Eighteen people – each making up a different part of a human body – move around as one person going about his everyday morning routine.

The metaphor then unravels when the “person” sees the three new Toyota Prius models parked outside. The Mr. Hide-directed spot was mostly shot in live-action using large-scale props, with some green-screen help to create backgrounds. The set, a suburban neighborhood, was shot using a miniature set. Check out the making of, featuring the “body parts,” and Mr. Hide here.

Move as one