Strings Attached

El pintor holandés Jonas Lund es un artista conceptual cuya obra aplica condiciones que hacen que el venderse sea un poco más difícil de lo normal. Es es su concepto, una crítica a esa “burbuja” en la que el arte contemporáneo esta encerrado desde hace ya varias decadas…

Strings Attached
2015, Text based painting series
Steve Turner
March 21 – May 2, 2015
Opening reception: Saturday, March 21, 7 – 9

Steve Turner is pleased to present Strings Attached, a solo exhibition by Amsterdam-based artist Jonas Lund which will feature 24 text-based paintings that relate to the current “bubble moment” in contemporary art. Each work uses text that restricts the transfer of ownership in some way, such as “This painting may never be sold at auction” or “This painting must be resold by March 21, 2017”.

Lund uses fabric wallpaper as backgrounds for the works, and their messages have been painted by a sign painter according to Lund’s directions. As a group, the 24 paintings encompass contradictory efforts made by gallerists who both want to fuel market momentum for their artists while trying to shield them from the damaging effects of quick-profit speculation…