The «Sea Organ»

El arquitecto Nikola Bašić, creó este extraño órgano en la costa de su natal Croacia, donde la música que se escucha es generada totalmente por la marea y el oleaje del océano.

¿Quieren escuchar como suena? vean esto:

La pieza está basada en un proyecto bastante similar llamado “Wave Ocean”, de los artistas californianos Peter Richards and George Gonzalez. Pero la verdad este suena mucho mejor…

While many of us are content to listen to the natural sounds of ocean waves, architect Nikola Bašić took things a step further and faciliated a means for ocean currents to produce actual music. Behold: the Sea Organ. Constructed in 2005, the acoustic jetty spans some 230 feet (70 meters) and incorporates 35 polyethylene tubes of varying diameter. As waves flood each tube underwater, displaced air is forced through large whistles tuned to play seven chords of five tones. Day in and day out, music seems to emanate from the ground, a playful interplay between nature and design. Listening to the video above, the sound is somewhat like random chords played by a huge calliope….

The «Sea Organ»


El estadounidense Anthony Howe hace estas curiosas esculturas eólicascas, con un funcionamiento tan básico como el de cualquier molino viejo, pero con un efectos kinéticos  tan orgánicos que parecen seres vivos de otro planeta. Además el artista de Utah trabaja con uno de los statements mas contundentes que he escuchado en el mundo del arte: "Let’s go sit on the patio and watch the whirligig"…

Kinetic sculptor Anthony Howe lives and works in a rural area in Eastsound, Washington surrounded by little more than trees, wind, and other natural elements that inspire his incredible kinetic sculptures. Howe works primarily with stainless steel which he welds to create carefully engineered objects powered by the slightest breeze. Watching the motion of each piece in the videos above is totally mesmerizing and it hardly seems possible that such an object could be constructed. Many of his original works are available for sale on his website, and you can see many more videos on his YouTube channel

Blow job

Lithuanian photographer and artist Tadao Cern has been working on a series of hilarious portraits entitled, ahem, Blow Job, that depicts individuals enduring gale-force winds directly to the face. Say goodbye to the next 15 minutes, he’s taken over 100 portraits so far. And if you liked these, here’s a similar series by Jonathan Robert Willis from last year. (via behance)…