Google auto-complete

Un caso muy curioso de un compositor (casi de poca monta, podría decirse), que logro obtener una nominación a mejor canción los premios “Golden Globe 2016“, por haber usado la búsqueda de Google y la función de auto-complete en la letra de su tema. Loq ue hace pensar que escribió utilizando ideas, insights y hasta fraseos del subconsciente colectivo, cosa que aparentemente ayudo a éxito del tema.

Otra probadita de cuánto sabe Google de nosotros. Y de que el éxito siempre es complaciente…

Lang collaborated with Sorrentino almost entirely by emailing him demo recordings. Sorrentino then would reply by email, essentially saying whether the music sufficiently moved him. As Lang told the Times: “I kept sending demos of the song to Paolo, things that I thought were emotionally devastating. He would write back and he’d say, ‘I’m sorry, I am crying a little, but I need to cry a lot.

”Sorrentino never wanted Lang to describe his method—either at music composition or text arrangement—to him, which meant that when “Simple Song” finally made Sorrentino cry a lot, Lang never told him certain elements of its writing.“I never ran [the text] by him. I never showed it to him,” he told me this week. “I never told him I got it from the Internet.”

Google auto-complete