Killer selfies

Un bonito compendio de la estupidez humana, que me encontré en el sitio Rolling Stone,  con varias historias donde la gente sacrifica su vida por un buen retrato de sí mismo y la auto-promoción (la verdadera causa). La mayoría de estos casos son reales, bastante tontos y de consecuencias mortales.

Ojalá aprendamos todos algo de esto. Sobre todo en esta época donde los smartphones y el internet son puestos en manos de niños menores de 10 años tan fácilmente…

We all love taking selfies. Sometimes searching for the perfect angle pushes people beyond the safety point and into the bony embrace of the Grim Reaper.

THE NEVER-ENDING PURSUIT of the ultimate shot for social media sharing has reached a startling new height: 8,000 feet above sea level. This month, a grown man fell to his death while posing for a picture on a ledge at Machu Picchu, the ancient Incan citadel in Peru. But death by selfie at a temple built for human sacrifice begs the question: How far would you go to get that killer shot?

The facts speak for themselves. In 2015, more people died from taking selfies than from shark attacks. Tourist destinations such as Mumbai have gone so far as to designate selfie-free zones. Even the notoriously unsympathetic Russian government issued a manual for how to safely take a selfie. Our need to capture the present moment via social media has completely changed the way we experience life, and a tragic irony presents itself when that results in death.

From falling down the steps of the Taj Mahal to being gored alive by wild animals, here are the 11 most disturbing stories of selfies gone disastrously wrong.

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